Using PEMF therapy devices rejuvenate your body and restore it to its natural state. It recharges your cells, promoting health, wellness and performance.
You’ll see mental, physical, and spiritual enhancements when you use these units. What’s more, it improves your blood circulation, allowing your body to cleanse itself of harmful toxins.
Learn about the best PEMF machines in this comprehensive guide!
What is PEMF Therapy?
PEMF therapy stands for pulsed electromagnetic fields. The aim is to promote and optimize wellness in the human body.
Magnetic field therapy goes back thousands of years, and Ancient Greece was one of its avid users. The Greeks would put the magnetic stone on specific body parts to promote healing from discomfort and disease.
Later on, they incorporated it with electricity to create electromagnetic therapy. This form of therapy utilizes electrically charged coils, and it releases specific magnetic fields.
How Does a PEMF Device Work?
A PEMF therapy device enhances the circulation throughout your body, delivering powerful effects. It reduces aches and pains as there are more blood cells, including white blood cells, that can reach tense muscles.
It gives them the power to function at their best. As a result, it cleanses the harmful toxins, which allows you to have more energy.
In addition, it’s an effective tool in helping recharge cells, allowing an accelerated rate at which the bones regenerate, catering to your health conditions.
When suffering from bone surgery, treating your body with a PEMF therapy system helps grow new and stronger bone cells, which aids recovery.
It is a powerful treatment for rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. (1) Investing in a PEMF system means you can alleviate your joint pain in the comfort of your home.
6 Things to Remember When Choosing PEMF Devices
1. Do Your Research
It’s absolutely essential to do your research as these devices aren’t created equal. Therefore, you need to dedicate time and effort to research to find the right product.
Before you can choose your preferred brand, technical specification, and parameters, you have to take note of these things first:
- A medical professional opinion on your disease
- How much you’re willing to spend
- Your current health condition
- Your lifestyle
- Your clinical history
You need to consider whether you’re going for electrical or magnetic field sensitivity. What’s more, the magnetic field intensity is another thing to keep in mind.
Most importantly, make sure that you are buying from a trusted brand. Check whether they have a good warranty, review, and customer service.
2. Know Your Actual Needs
You need to know what you’re using the PEMF device for. Are you going to use it for an acute or chronic problem? Are you going to use it in one area or for multiple areas?
Also, you need to identify whether you’re going to use it for your whole body or on local problems, such as your knee, elbow, shoulder or back.
If you’re looking for a system that you can conveniently bring with you on your travels, then a portable PEMF therapy device with a low-power output works best for you.
We recommend MagnaField® Mini, it’s a handheld portable PEMF therapy device that enables you to have faster pain relief without the fatigue from the treatment.
The more specific your actual needs are, the easier it is to find the right PEMF therapy device for you. What’s more, it’ll make the buying process easier. As a result, you can save both time and money.
3. Understand the Technicalities
As a matter of fact, the low frequencies support your natural ability for healing than a higher frequency in most systems.
It applies a magnetic field with medium to high-intensity PEMF output, ideal for treating hard tissues and delayed bone union. These are osteoporosis, fractures, and post-operative recovery.
Low-frequency restores the correct functional balance of cells, meaning these frequencies are also effective in treating soft tissues.
On the other hand, higher frequencies of electromagnetic fields are based on small packets of radio waves frequencies.
Most PEMF therapy systems that are on the market are considered to be very low-intensity. While there are units with high intensities, it isn’t high enough to be considered high-intensity in magnetic field strength.
An MRI machine produces between 10,000 to 30,000 Gauss. On the other hand, these systems top out at the 10,000 Gauss range.
As a general rule, the deeper the problem, the more the tissues are tightly packed in the affected area. It ultimately requires higher intensities to see results.
If your goal is to keep your general state of well-being and health, you will do well in a device with a lower intensity.
It’s a device that provides an electromagnetic intensity at a medium level, and it only has a few programs and frequency levels. These are lower than your top-of-the-range units.
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4. Built-In Programs
You can find a PEMF therapy device with only one program. Meanwhile, some units have multiple programs that allow them to function properly.
Some units have an organ clock or a biorhythm clock as their guides. However, none of these options are better or worse as it entirely depends on your requirements.
The biorhythm clock bases frequencies on what time it is, meaning you will feel active in the morning and feel relaxed in the evening.
On the other hand, condition-based programs refer to Circulation, Relaxation, or Vital. It’s utilized to mimic where your brain should be at a certain time of day.
If you know the frequencies the system produces, it allows you to find the right program that fits your needs, regardless of the time you are undergoing the treatment.
What’s more, different PEMF systems have suggested built-in conditions or disease-based fixed programs.
5. Pricing
When it comes to PEMF systems, the prices on the market greatly vary. Portable units for home use only cost a few hundred pounds. However, these units cost thousands of dollars because they have higher coverage.
While it may be expensive, the long-term value the device adds to is far greater than the cost.
It’s a one-time purchase that enables you and your family to use it for many years to come. In other words, there are no refills and co-pays.
These PEMF systems aren’t consumable. Moreover, pets and plants can enjoy the advantages of these devices.
If you compute over the lifetime of the magnetic system, you’ll find that these units have excellent price per day value.
We suggest taking a look at MagnaField as it provides an excellent price and long-term value. It’s a full-body PEMF therapy system that gives you variable frequencies.
You can mount the coil to the ideal area of your home, so anyone within the space, whether they may be people, pets, or plants, can take advantage of its full-body feature.
6. After Sales Support
Invest in a company that delivers exceptional after-sales service. Keep in mind that you’ll be using the device for years, so you’re going to need assistance along the way.
Look at PEMF manufacturers that have a reliable customer support team. They’ll cater to your questions in regards to the warranty service, repairs, and product policies.
You can tell whether they’re trustworthy or not through their reviews. If they have long-term clients and a quick response time, those are indicators of a business with excellent after-sales support.
Why Is It Important to Choose the Right Device?
It’s essential to choose the right device because you’re investing in the health of your entire family for the long term.
It brings plenty of advantages to the entire body that positively impacts your lifestyle and productivity.
These units are expensive, so taking the time to research prevents you from purchasing an incompatible device, which is why it’s important to learn about other PEMF systems.
Ask your doctor’s opinion on PEMF machines and what would suit you best to avoid refunds and to save time.
Are PEMF therapy devices expensive?
Yes, PEMF devices are expensive. However, these low-intensity units provide long-term value for you and your family, meaning they have excellent price-per-day value.
Are PEMF devices FDA-approved?
Yes, PEMF is approved by the FDA. It’s a treatment for fracture non-unions and bone enhancement after lumbar and cervical spine fusion surgery.
Buying the Best PEMF Therapy Device
A PEMF machine is one of the best investments you can make for the people in your household.
Again, there are different systems, meaning there’s no such thing as a universal device.
Check out the basic functionalities, security features, technology used, the PEMF parameters, intensity values, and other important factors to treat different health conditions.
The effectiveness of the therapy depends on the quality of the product, your condition, duration, your specified area, fitness level, and other factors.
It’s better to buy a more expensive product than going for cheaper ones on the market today. When it comes to your health and the well-being of your family, you can never go wrong with premium options.
For the best PEMF system for your specific needs, check out these products.

We Recommend
- Manufactured in the UK
- 3 year warranty
- Easy mode selection
- European Standard (CE) 93/465/EEC, Class IIb Medical Device