- Body Detoxification
- Nutrient Uptake
- Inflammation Reduction
- Improves Immune System, Sleep and Much More
PEMF is a wellness system that can be used in association with treatments recommended by GPs and hospitals. PEMF is an adjunct to other treatments, will not affect such treatments and in the vast majority of cases helps to ease any uncomfortable side effects that may be the result of those treatments.
Increased Nutrient Uptake
Using either the MagnaField® or MagnaField® devices at the setting 12Hz – 16Hz will help assist with more oxygen and nutrient uptake.
Human cells use nutrients from food and oxygen to create adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy source that fuels cell function. Boosting your energy will maximise performance, maintenance of healthy muscles and reduced delayed onset muscle soreness.
Anxiety & Depression Relief
Set the Magnacares® PEMF devices at 0.5Hz – 4Hz to see relief from anxiety, stress, and depression.
PEMF has been shown to significantly lower cortisol levels and create a balance in autonomic functions. Cortisol is the primary hormone responsible for stress response and plays havoc in the body. The use of PEMF therapy will reset a body back to the earth pulse of healing and relaxation. Trans cranial PEMF therapy has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of severe depression.
Set the MagnaField® PEMF devices at 12Hz – 15Hz to see anti-ageing benefits.
Anti-ageing occurs at a cellular level. PEMF stimulates the cells to function optimally, meaning more oxygen & nutrient uptake as well as a deeper sleep which will benefit the individual using Magnacares® PEMF devices. When we take care of our body at our cellular level, we see the benefits for years to come.
Pain Relief
Use setting 0.5Hz – 4Hz for temporary pain relief. Ideally 4Hz for Pain modulation for intense pain.
PEMF has an anti-inflammatory effect when applied to painful conditions and limits factors involved in pain and inflammation with some referring to it as the ‘pocket painkiller’. It is a very useful tool for longer term painful conditions where continuous use of painkillers can result in serious side effects. Not only will PEMF help symptomatically reduce pain through the effect on neural pathways, it will also be working on healing the underlying cause.
Improved Immunity
Set the MagnaField® device at 2Hz to see an improvement with your immune system.
The immune system is our central defence against foreign invaders and toxins. PEMF supports the immune system by improving oxygenation, circulation, metabolism and boosting the production of ATP. PEMF also increases the voltage of cells, raising the pH and providing an unsuitable environment for virus, bacteria and parasites to take hold.
Using either the MagnaField® or MagnaField® devices at the setting 12Hz – 16Hz will help assist with more oxygen and nutrient uptake.
Human cells use nutrients from food and oxygen to create adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy source that fuels cell function. Boosting your energy will maximise performance, maintenance of healthy muscles and reduced delayed onset muscle soreness.
Set the Magnacares® PEMF devices at 0.5Hz – 4Hz to see relief from anxiety, stress, and depression.
PEMF has been shown to significantly lower cortisol levels and create a balance in autonomic functions. Cortisol is the primary hormone responsible for stress response and plays havoc in the body. The use of PEMF therapy will reset a body back to the earth pulse of healing and relaxation. Trans cranial PEMF therapy has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of severe depression.
Set the MagnaField® PEMF devices at 12Hz – 15Hz to see anti-ageing benefits.
Anti-ageing occurs at a cellular level. PEMF stimulates the cells to function optimally, meaning more oxygen & nutrient uptake as well as a deeper sleep which will benefit the individual using Magnacares® PEMF devices. When we take care of our body at our cellular level, we see the benefits for years to come.
Use setting 0.5Hz – 4Hz for temporary pain relief. Ideally 4Hz for Pain modulation for intense pain.
PEMF has an anti-inflammatory effect when applied to painful conditions and limits factors involved in pain and inflammation with some referring to it as the ‘pocket painkiller’. It is a very useful tool for longer term painful conditions where continuous use of painkillers can result in serious side effects. Not only will PEMF help symptomatically reduce pain through the effect on neural pathways, it will also be working on healing the underlying cause.
Set the MagnaField® device at 2Hz to see an improvement with your immune system.
The immune system is our central defence against foreign invaders and toxins. PEMF supports the immune system by improving oxygenation, circulation, metabolism and boosting the production of ATP. PEMF also increases the voltage of cells, raising the pH and providing an unsuitable environment for virus, bacteria and parasites to take hold.
Our devices can help people who are wellness conscious.
If you’re concerned with nutrition, stress, and your environment and need a non-invasive, drug-free solution that can improve your overall mind, body & health, then these are the devices for you.
See which device can benefit you the most. If you’re unsure please contact us for more information.
premier FULL-BODY PEMF therapy device
0.5Hz – 4Hz
Sedating, relaxing and calming effect; assists with deeper sleep. Reduction of bruising and bleeding. Lymph drainage (micromuscular movement), 3Hz 0r 1Hz is most efficient for temporary pain relief.
0.5Hz – 1Hz
Temporary pain relief. Reported mitosis reduction or inhibition of rogue cell activity, oxygen absorption. Balancing sodium potassium cellular exchange which can lead to improved neurological signalling.
Promotes phagocyte and T-cell production. Reported stimulation of the immune system (Thymus).
Can assist lymph drainage; also promotes sleep where 0.5Hz is insufficient.
Pain modulation for intense pain for temporary relief.
Increased DNA synthesis; cellular signalling; repair and healing.
Muscle tissue repair; muscle tone; nerve regeneration. Stimulation of ATP production. Recharging and balancing of ionic and cell membrane potentials.
General re-balancing of cellular activity; improved oxygen uptake; assists liver function.
Can assist in peripheral circulation; increased blood flow through vascular relaxation; more oxygen and nutrients available.
Increased metabolic rate; pre-sport or pre-exercise (for generally healthy people)
therapy whilst on the move
0.5 Hz
Low Delta Frequency. This frequency assists the re-entrainment of normal brain and neurological signals and regenerates cell activity. It is often used to reduce anxiety, metabolic over activity and insomnia. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is always the recommended starting level.
4 Hz
A higher Delta frequency. Many users and practitioners have commented that this setting assists with the relaxation and a good night’s sleep’. It may also help ease some stressful and painful conditions (temporary relief).
8 Hz
The Schumann Frequency. This setting has a soothing effect on tired and sore muscles. It also promotes healing of damaged tissue and may assist in the relief of aches and pains. It is considered the best setting for everyday use to assist the body’s own detox mechanisms and maintain fitness and is an Alpha frequency that mimics the Earth’s own frequency.
This is the frequency which is the most beneficial as a setting during long-haul flights.
16 Hz
The Beta Frequency. Most users report a sense of balance and freshness at this setting, even after travel, late nights and exercise. This setting enhances blood flow and circulation making it a perfect pre-exercise boost. Many report it as the fastest setting for pain relief. It is recommended for short-term use (20 minutes), alternating with the 8Hz setting which is recommended for longer periods
Let’s answer some common questions regarding PEMF Therapy!
There have been no reported safety issues or side effects with both MagnaField® and MagnaField® Mini Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) devices since they were invented in 1976.
No, it operates at an extremely low frequency (matching predominant brain frequency activity) and at very low intensity levels (similar to cell energy levels). MagnaField® operates in 20 minute cycles on and off. MagnaField® Mini operates in 5 minute cycles on and off. The units themselves do not produce any forms of heat.
Conditions are irrelevant because of the way in which the MagnaField® and MagnaField® Mini devices work.
They address the cellular condition by helping the cells improve their energy levels and nutrient intake whilst ensuring that waste products are efficiently removed. The outcome is the repair and regeneration of damaged cells.
Yes, our Magancares PEMF devices are an all-natural solution that can be used with other treatments like Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy, drug, and alternative medicine treatments.
Our Patent-designed PEMF devices can be safely used with innerspring mattresses.
We recommend using our PEMF devices while you sleep as Magnacares PEMF therapy aids sleep and has positive effects on calming the brain.
Yes, you can.
Our patent-designed Magncares PEMF devices can be used safely with Pacemakers and defibrillators.
Magnacares® makes no claims to ‘Fix’ or ‘Cure’ anything. Every case is different, every person is different. Our units operate at a cellular level and beyond in an effort to assist the body to heal itself from the inside. The intent is to make every cell in the body a healthy cell and by doing so, equip your body with the means to up-regulate its own ability to heal and combat disease.